Cute Cat Breeds – Part 2

Different cat breeds have different behaviors. So before bringing home a cat to keep as a pet, choosing the suitable cat breed is important. In the previous article, we talked about several types of cats. This article is the next part of it. In this article, we will talk about 7 more popular cat breeds. (Credits go to for most of the images in this article.)

1. Munchkin Cats

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A very cute-looking cat. They have short legs. Their fur is a bit long. Dwarfism is due to a genetic mutation. Their average lifespan is about 12-15 years. A friendly cat breed that is very popular with people. Peaceful with dogs and small children. According to cat owners, this cat breed is intelligent. Therefore, they can be trained to play.

2. Siberian Cats

The homeland of this cat breed is Siberia, Russia. The length of the body is about 15-17 inches. They are very active cats. They like to climb high places. But they are a quiet cat breed by nature. They are expecting much attention from people. Siberian cat breed is peaceful with dogs and small children. Cat owners say that their body growth is slow. Brown, white, gray, and black colors are common in this type of cat. They have green and yellow big eyes. Siberian Cats have long fur. A lot of fur is shed at times. Their lifespan is about 11-15 years.

3. Birman Cats

Birman Cats are native to Sweden, France, and Burma. The distinguishing feature of this cat breed is its round black face and white body. The price of this type of cat is high. Very friendly to people. And smart. Their lifespan is about 9-15 years. The body weight of a male cat is between 4.5-7 kg. They are a type of cat that doesn’t play too much. Their fur does not shed much, so cleaning is easy.

4. Himalayan Cats

The specialty of Himalayan Cats is having blue eyes. This cat is known by the short name Himmy. The lifespan is about 9-15 years. There are more white and cream-colored cats of this cat type. Body length is about 18-23 inches. Not very active. That is why they are not interested in climbing or jumping to high places. Cat owners say that cats are a bit lazy by nature. Compared to other cat breeds, they are less friendly towards people. That is why these cats do not expect much attention from people. Because they have more fur on their body, they have to be cleaned often.

5. Exotic Shorthair Cats

This cat breed with body stripes like a tiger can be seen in white, brown, black, and orange colors. They are small in body size compared to other cat breeds. They do not go out of the house much. A less friendly cat. So it takes time to become friendly with guests. Cat owners say that they are a peaceful and quiet cat breed. Male cats are friendlier to people than female cats. Female cats tend to be quite independent. The lifespan of this cat breed is about 9-15 years. They are at risk of kidney disease. Their negative point is the risk of kidney disease.

6. Singapura Cats

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This cat breed is native to Singapore. They are very active. They are small in body size compared to other cat breeds. The length of the body is about 10-13 inches. They have a small face and two large ears. Although small in size, it is an active and strong cat. Genetic problems are rare. That is why they are healthy. They are very friendly to people. Also, they are friendly with small children and dogs. But these cats don’t like sounds. They quickly move away from loud children and places with loud noises.

7. Bombay Cats

The Bombay Cat breed is more widespread in America and Thailand. They are naturally black. They look a bit evil. But they are very friendly to people. And active. The lifespan of this cat breed is about 9-15 years. Their teeth should be brushed at least twice weekly to keep them healthy. Also, check the ear wax about once a week. They are more friendly with visitors than other cat breeds. These cats like to stay close while the family members are doing some work. The reason is that they expect a lot of attention from their family. That’s why Bombay cats make more noise than other cat breeds. For example, they make noises to say that they are hungry.

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