Police Dog Helped to Save 52 Human Lives

Do you know how we often say that dogs are loyal, sensitive, and full of unconditional love? But, let’s be honest, we know they have limitations since, well, they are animals, right? Hold up, because I have a story to tell you about a dog who did something so incredible that it went viral overnight and earned the hearts of millions of people. Seriously, it might make you see pets in a completely new light. So saddle in and prepare for an epic story that will leave you stupefied and completely stoked!

In 2017, Mexico saw a devastating tragedy that severely affected its inhabitants and elicited sorrow from all across the globe.

This country sits right on top of a bunch of tectonic plates, which means it’s super prone to earthquakes. This was the primary cause of the earthquakes that struck on September 19, 2017, flipping the entire nation. The earthquake, which had its epicenter 55 kilometers south of Puebla, caused devastation and violent shaking for nearly 20 seconds! This quake, registering at a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale, hit just 12 days after an even bigger one rocked Chiapas, some 650 km away on the coast. Talk about a wild coincidence, right?

The aftermath of the incident was heartbreaking. Famous cathedrals in Cholula and on the mountains of Popocatépetl in Atzitzihuacan collapsed during mass, tragically killing 15 people. And that was only the tip of the iceberg. In Mexico City alone, about 44 structures fell, resulting in substantial loss of property as well as life. The government had to intervene, claiming a state of emergency in thirty-three municipalities in Morelos and sixteen boroughs of Mexico City. This enabled them to draw on the National Natural Disaster Fund (FONDEN) for disaster relief activities. The public faced a desperate need, and immediate action was required to assist.

Following the disaster, a prompt and efficient rescue operation was critical given that the disaster had already taken approximately 361 lives, with many others buried beneath debris and facing grave conditions. The Mexican navy sprung into action, speeding up rescue efforts. While they were able to rescue many lives, they also experienced painful moments, like when Navy Undersecretary Angel Enrique Sarmiento said, “All of the children are unfortunately dead,” about the Enrique Rebsamen school in Mexico City. Despite all the grief, a surprising hero arose during this difficult time, drawing the world’s attention with their astounding actions.

Being a Labrador retriever, she’s super smart, friendly, and has an astounding sense of smell. She’s been with the Navy since she was a puppy. Let me clarify, Frida is one well-trained dog. She’s trained to provide precise responses, such as barking to indicate when somebody is alive, and when the dog comes across a dead body, she waits and approaches carefully and cautiously. So, when massive earthquakes struck Mexico, Frida was prepared for the scene. She was transported to Oaxaca, where things were extremely messed up after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake. She discovered the body of a Juchitan police officer, as well as the remains of several more people, buried under the rubble. And guess what? Out of the 52 victims she discovered, 12 were still living. Talk about impressive!

Image credits: https://www.newsd.co

So, after quite a successful mission in Oaxaca, Frida traveled to Mexico City. The Navy had wholehearted trust in her abilities, especially given what she accomplished in Oaxaca. But this time, she had a backup. She was leading a team of 14 other rescue dogs, all to find as many victims as possible. It was a devastating scene, with over 300 people discovered and announced dead. Frida, however, did not let this discourage her. She kept sniffing, trying to locate survivors amidst the rubble.

Everyone began calling her a hero, and rightfully so. They even offered to send her more boots! All of Frida’s success, however, has not gone to her head. Even days after the earthquake, she remained on the job, looking for anyone who could be trapped.

The Army also made use of Frida’s skills. She served to recover bodies following tragedies, ensuring that no one was left behind, until she retired from her rescue job in June 2019 at the age of 10. Frida’s journey as a hero caught the hearts of many. When she died in September of 2022, the world felt the loss of an honored champion.

Frida’s ashes were interred underneath her statue in Coyoacán, a fitting tribute to her unwavering passion and bravery in serving humanity. Although she is no longer physically with us, her eternal optimism continues to inspire all who learn her inspiring story. Frida will be remembered as more than a dog; she was a symbol of hope, bravery, devotion, and unconditional love.

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1 thought on “Police Dog Helped to Save 52 Human Lives”

  1. I have over the years learned animals will leave us behind when it comes to ..loyalty 1, love 2, and more aware than any of us 3.. they are beautiful creatures that GOD INTENDED FOR THEM TO BE JuST AS THEY ARE..we don’t deserve them

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